Frequently Requested Information

Below you will find information that is frequently requested on proposal applications to outside funding agencies. If you are not able to find the information you need to complete your proposal, please contact your Research Administration Specialist to obtain the required information.

Tax ID Number or Employer Identification Number (EIN) 44-6000308
Missouri Tax ID Number (MITS) 10281541
DUNS Number 07-6255876
SAM Unique Entity ID CL7KJX2VFHS9
MoBuys Number 106265
Congressional District (Springfield) MO-007
Congressional District (West Plains) MO-008
Date Established March 17, 1905
Organizational Designation State Funded Institution of Higher Education
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) Brad Bodenhausen, VP for Community and Global Partnerships
Official Contact Information for all externally funded projects

Missouri State University
Office of Research Administration
901 S. National Avenue, Carrington Hall Room 405
Springfield, MO 65897-0027

Phone: 417-836-5972

Fax: 417-836-8818


Missouri State University Tax Exempt Status Missouri State University is considered tax exempt under section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Service Code
Missouri State University Foundation Tax Exempt Status The Foundation is considered tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code
CAGE Code 1B1E2
IPEDS Number (Springfield) 179566
OPE ID Number (Springfield) 00250300
OPE ID Number (West Plains) 03106000
Federal Wide Assurance Number (FWA) - IRB FWA00004733 - Expires 01/16/2027
IRB Registration Number 00003065
USDA Animal Welfare Act Registration Number 43-R-0052
OLAW # D16-00033 (A3057-01)
NIH Institutional Profile Number 7664601
Indirect/F&A Rates

42.5% for Organized Research On Campus

50% for Instruction On Campus

34% for Other Sponsored Activities On Campus

26% for All Programs Off Campus Except OSA

24.8% for Other Sponsored Activities Off Campus

Fringe Benefits

*Full-Time fringe rates still apply to 9 month employees during the summer**

Applicable To

Current Rate

Full-Time Employees 44.5%
Part-Time Employees 7.7%
Graduate Assistants 0%
Student Workers 0%
Part-Time with MOSERS 38.8%
Part-Time with CURP 16.9%